July 19, 2007
I went to Mr. Takashi Watanabe's office at 7PM, yesterday.
This is his book shelf. Books of thinkers influenced by 1960's and design theory occupies his shelf.
彼は、横田デザインという1980年代にたくさんの商業空間のインテリア を手がけた事務所の番頭さんをやっていて、商環境という雑誌を編集していたが、ある時、急に目が見えなくなってしまった。
He used to be a Bantou of Yokota Design Office which have designed many commercial spaces in 80's and was also editing a magazine called "商空間(Shou ku kan)", but he suddenly became a blind person.
Many designers who played an active part in 70's to 80's discontinued their business or became an alcoholic. Not many are still designing with good condition.
We used to read difficult books at that time.