
August 10, 2007


何故か気が合って、変な日本人の僕と、インドネシア生まれのオランダ人学長と、フランス ヌメアで育った貴族(アンシアンレジーム-フランス革命以前の旧社会体制の貴族)の友人が、一緒に協力して東京をデザインで変える、そんなことをやってきた。




A tree of United Nations University

I had a lunch with Mr. Hance who is the rector of United Nations University (UNU), his wife and Mr. Francois also from UNU. I have known them for six years and tried together to change the situation of Tokyo by power of design.

The building of UNU has been filled with young designers' works in every October since Tokyo Designers Block 2001 and this brings a liveness to the building.

Mr. Hance had done so many things with us and had deep understanding to what we were doing. Mr. Hance has been here for 10 years and his term of office expires this month. It would be nice if we could put commemorate tree of Mr. Hance in front of the building.

百瀬博教さんとの対談 ▶
